Training Scientists offers Python courses for scientists and engineers

Training Scientists offers courses about scientific data analysis, data interpretation and plotting for various scientific fields. The courses can be taken on-demand or as blended learning courses. The on-demand lecture videos and materials can be watched at any time. The blended learning courses combine the on-demand lectures with hands-on Zoom tutorials where participants can ask questions, we discuss the solutions of exercises and fix problems.

This course targets scientists and engineers wanting to learn or improve their skills in Python to analyze, interpret and visualize scientific data. It offers a broad overview over a variety of topics.

The Python for Biologists course is the next evolution of the Python for Scientists course specifically for Biologists. It covers the basics of Python, scientific data analysis and includes libraries like Biopython.


Course overview

Since 2023 the specialization courses Good Programming Practice in Python and Advanced Plotting in Python are integrated into Python for Scientists and Python for Biologists

Module / Course

Programming projects with AI

Syntax, PEP8, Keyboard Shortcuts, Numpy

Advanced Numpy, File IO, Pandas, AI

Advanced Matplotlib & Interactive Plots

GIT, String Formatting, Video Creation, Code structure

Interpolation, Fitting, Filtering, Data analysis

File Creation, Generators, Parallelization, Sympy

Biopython: DNA sequencing & visualization, BLAST

Scikit Image: Image analysis & processing

✔ meaning the topics are both covered in the lecture and the tutorials
^ meaning participants have access to the lecture materials but we will pick 1 or 2 topics to discuss in the tutorials

*To give you an impression about the teaching style the first lecture video and materials are available for free:

On-demand courses

Upcoming live courses

Note: the purchase option “Zoom meetings” only makes sense when you already have a course licence

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Currently, there are no upcoming courses that are open to public booking.

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

No, anyone who is interested in the courses can attend.

Please contact us via Email to setup a group course so we can tailor it do your needs.

The on-demand courses contain the video lectures and the lecture materials (Python scripts etc.) for the modules of the course. The blended learning courses additionally contain live Zoom meetings for every module where participants can ask questions, we discuss the solutions to the exercises and topics that go beyond the lectures.

If you prefer self study and are good at solving problems by yourself and you want to start the course immediately then the on-demand courses might be enough for you.

If you already booked a course licence, choose the “Zoom meetings” booking option in the
Upcoming live courses table to be able to participate in one of the upcoming blended learning courses

We have a 14 day no questions asked refund policy so you can book the courses with peace of mind


Training Scientists is run by Dr. Maurice Maurer who graduated in 2020 from the Technical University of Munich with a Ph.D. in computational physics. In his scientific work – both carried out at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) and the Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics – he developed a high performance computing (HPC) code to simulate plasma microturbulence in complex geometries. The dissertation is called GENE-3D – a global gyrokinetic turbulence code for stellarators and perturbed tokamaks.

During his masters project he already developed a parallelized code running on some of the fastest supercomputers in germany. For both the masters project and the Ph.D. project he employed Python for the postprocessing of the large data sets generated by the simulations.

Also, he is doing Python development consulting work for  for various companies in regards to code review and performance optimization.

The knowledge and experience from these projects in addition to more than 20 years of programming experience go into the Python programming courses.

Dr. Maurice Maurer


Reach out for bookings and questions about the Python for Scientists courses!

call training scientists

+49 15678 448154

location training scientists

Dr. Maurice Maurer LLC
777 BRICKELL AVE #500-97534
MIAMI, FL 33131

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